Centuria Capital (CNI.AX)

Overall impact
C (42)


Centuria Capital is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 42.1 for overall impact (26th percentile compared to all companies), Centuria Capital ranks 144th out of 190 industry peers, behind CM Finance, Logan Ridge Finance Corporation, Hennessy Advisors and 140 others, and ahead of Encore Capital, Up Fintech, Victory Capital and 43 others. On top material causes for Centuria Capital's industry (Financial Services), Centuria Capital performs poorly in Lgbtq Equality (39.1 score), Reduced Availability of Weapons (25.9), Improved Mental Health (37.9) and 7 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. Centuria Capital did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause CNI.AX
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Regional Banks
SASB industry
Asset Management & Custody Activities
Nsw, Australia
Share classes
Centuria Capital Group, an investment manager, markets and manages investment products primarily in Australia. It operates through Property Funds Management, Co- Investments, Developments, Property and Development Finance, Investment Bonds Management, and Corporate segments. The Property Funds Management segment manages listed and unlisted property funds. The Co-Investments segment holds interest in property funds, properties held for sale, and other liquid investments. The Developments segment engages in the management of development project and structured property developments for the commercial office, industrial, and health through residential mixed use. The Property and Development Finance segment provide real estate secured non-bank finance for land sub-division, bridging finance, development projects, and residual stock. The Investment Bonds Management segment manages benefit funds, which include a range of financial products, such as single and multi-premium investments. The Corporate segment manages reverse mortgage lending portfolio. The company was incorporated in 2000 and is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Centuria Capital, based on its industry sub-industry Regional Banks. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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