Stockland (SGP.AX)

Overall impact
A (87)


Stockland is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 87.4 for overall impact (98th percentile compared to all companies), Stockland ranks 2nd out of 104 industry peers, behind Dexus, and ahead of Douglas Emmett, Empire State Realty Trust, WP Carey and 99 others. On top material causes for Stockland's industry (REIT), Stockland performs well in Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (85.3 score), Renewable Energy Growth (95.0), Reduced Inequality (92.0) and 13 other causes where it received an 'A' score. Stockland did not receive a 'D' or 'F' rating on any cause.
Cause SGP.AX
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Real Estate
Diversified REITs
Diversified REITs
SASB industry
Real Estate
Nsw, Australia
Share classes
Exchange-traded bond
Exchange-traded bond
We are a leading creator and curator of connected communities with people at the heart of the places we create. For more than 70 years, we have built a proud legacy, helping more Australians achieve the dream of home ownership, and enabling the future of work and retail. Today, we continue to build on our history as one of Australia's largest diversified property groups to elevate the social value of our places, and create a tangible sense of human connection, belonging and community for our customers. We own, fund, develop and manage one of Australia's largest portfolios of residential and land lease communities, retail town centres, and workplace and logistics assets. Our approach is distinctive, bringing a unique combination of development expertise, scale, deep customer insight, and diverse talent - with care in everything we do. We are committed to contributing to the economic prosperity of Australia and the wellbeing of our communities and our planet.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Stockland, based on its industry sub-industry Diversified REITs. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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