JP Morgan Chase (JPM)

Overall impact
C (45)


JP Morgan Chase is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 45.0 for overall impact (31st percentile compared to all companies), JP Morgan Chase ranks 16th out of 18 industry peers, behind Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, PNC Financial Services and 12 others, and ahead of US Bank and Wells Fargo. On top material causes for JP Morgan Chase's industry (Banking), JP Morgan Chase performs well in Disaster Readiness and Effective Aid (91.4 score) and Sanitation Access (95.9) and performs poorly in Reduced Inequality (6.0 score), Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (32.7), Reduced Availability of Weapons (32.4) and 9 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause JPM
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Diversified Banks
SASB industry
Investment Banking & Brokerage
Ny, United States
Share classes
To be the best financial services company in the world.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. operates as a financial services company worldwide. It operates through three segments: Consumer & Community Banking, Commercial & Investment Bank, and Asset & Wealth Management. The company offers deposit, investment and lending products, cash management, and payments and services; mortgage origination and servicing activities; residential mortgages and home equity loans; and credit cards, auto loans, leases, and travel services to consumers and small businesses through bank branches, ATMs, and digital and telephone banking. It also provides investment banking products and services, including corporate strategy and structure advisory, and equity and debt market capital-raising services, as well as loan origination and syndication; payments; and cash and derivative instruments, risk management solutions, prime brokerage, and research, as well as offers securities services, including custody, fund services, liquidity, and trading services, and data solutions products. In addition, the company provides financial solutions, including lending, payments, investment banking, and asset management to small and midsized companies, local governments, nonprofit clients, and municipalities, as well as commercial real estate clients. Further, it offers multi-asset investment management solutions in equities, fixed income, alternatives, and money market funds to institutional clients and retail investors; and retirement products and services, brokerage, custody, estate planning, lending, deposits, and investment management products to high net worth clients. The company was founded in 1799 and is headquartered in New York, New York.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for JP Morgan Chase, based on its industry sub-industry Diversified Banks. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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