Panasonic (PCRFF)

Overall impact
C (55)


Panasonic is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 54.9 for overall impact (52nd percentile compared to all companies), Panasonic ranks 12th out of 34 industry peers, behind Koss, Boxlight, Yamaha and 8 others, and ahead of Vitec, Energous, Xiaomi and 19 others. On top material causes for Panasonic's industry (Consumer Discretionary Products), Panasonic performs well in Humane Treatment of Animals (96.2 score), Terrestrial Biodiversity (96.0), Reduced Green House Gas Emissions (95.3) and 4 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Child and Maternal Health (4.5 score), Child and Maternal Health (18.7), Sanitation Access (37.9) and 10 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Consumer Discretionary
Consumer Electronics
SASB industry
Professional & Commercial Services
Share classes
Improving people's lives through creating goods needed for society or through providing wholehearted services are vitally important. After all, business is ultimately for the betterment of our society.
Panasonic Holdings Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, research, develops, manufactures, sells, and services various electrical and electronic products worldwide. It operates through five segments: Lifestyle, Automotive, Connect, Industry, and Energy. The Lifestyle segment offers refrigerators, microwave ovens, rice cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, air-conditioners, air to water heat pump system, air purifiers, showcases, as well as ventilation and perflation and air-conditioning equipment. This segment also provides personal-care products; lighting fixtures, lamps, wiring devices, solar photovoltaic systems, fuel cells, and compressors; bicycles; and nursing care services. The Automotive segment offers automotive-use infotainment systems, head-up displays, automotive speakers and switches, advanced driver assistance systems, and automotive mirrors. The Connect segment provides aircraft in-flight entertainment systems and communications services; electronic components-mounting machines; welding equipment; projectors; professional AV systems; PCs and tablets; and supply chain management software. The Industry segment engages in the electronic components, motors, FA devices and electronic materials. The Energy segment provides dry and micro batteries; small secondary batteries, including cells and their system products; and cylindrical lithium-ion batteries for in-vehicle use. The company also offers TVs, digital cameras, video and audio equipment, telephones, kitchen and bath, interior and exterior finishing materials, and raw materials. The company was formerly known as Panasonic Corporation. Panasonic Holdings Corporation was founded in 1918 and is headquartered in Kadoma, Japan.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Panasonic, based on its industry sub-industry Consumer Electronics. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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