MicroVest Capital Management (PRIVATE.MICROVEST)

Overall impact
B (60)


MicroVest Capital Management is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 60.4 for overall impact (63rd percentile compared to all companies), MicroVest Capital Management ranks 77th out of 190 industry peers, behind CM Finance, Logan Ridge Finance Corporation, Manning and Napier and 73 others, and ahead of Encore Capital, Hennessy Advisors, Golub Capital and 110 others. On top material causes for MicroVest Capital Management's industry (Financial Services), MicroVest Capital Management performs well in No Poverty (95.2 score), Improved Mental Health (95.2), Affordable, Safe Housing (95.3) and 2 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Decent, Safe Work Opportunities (28.1 score), Accountable Institutions (37.5), Reduced Waste (35.2) and 4 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
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Regional Banks
SASB industry
Asset Management & Custody Activities
Maryland, United States
Share classes
Established in 2003, MicroVest is an asset manager that specializes in allocating private debt capital to responsible microfinance and small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) finance institutions serving unbanked and underbanked microentrepreneurs and small businesses in emerging markets. As one of the first U.S.-based microfinance investors, it has built a track record since 2003 of investing in institutions whose interests are aligned with the borrowers and communities they serve. By catalyzing the availability of credit to responsible MFIs and SME Finance Institutions, many of which serve as the first provider of formal credit to underserved microentrepreneurs and small businesses, they have facilitated financial inclusion, supported job creation, promoted gender equality, and reduced poverty. Since its founding, it is a registered investment adviser, Certified B Corporation, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of MicroVest General Partner Holding LLC. MicroVest General Partner Holding LLC is a Delaware statutory PBLLC whose public benefit purpose is to create scalable investment opportunities that support enterprising ventures and projects in underserved or underfinanced sectors and communities worldwide.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for MicroVest Capital Management, based on its industry sub-industry Regional Banks. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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