LG Corp. (003550.KS)

Overall impact
C (44)


LG Corp. is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 43.6 for overall impact (29th percentile compared to all companies), LG Corp. ranks 24th out of 34 industry peers, behind Koss, Boxlight, Vitec and 20 others, and ahead of Vuzix, Haier Smart Home, Eastman Kodak and 7 others. On top material causes for LG Corp.'s industry (Consumer Discretionary Products), LG Corp. performs well in No Poverty (82.6 score), Zero Hunger (82.5), Arts and Culture Access (95.5) and 1 other cause where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Accountable Institutions (3.3 score), Sanitation Access (25.2), Decent, Safe Work Opportunities (0.0) and 10 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause 003550.KS
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Consumer Discretionary
Household Durables
Consumer Electronics
SASB industry
South Korea
Share classes
LG Corp., through its subsidiaries, operates in the electronics, chemicals, and communication and services industries. The company offers home appliance and air solutions, home entertainment products, vehicle component solutions, and business solutions; TV, mobile, IT, automobile, and commercial display products; camera modules, photomasks, and tape substrates; and semiconductor solutions. It also provides advanced materials, and petrochemical and life science products; daily necessities, cosmetics, and beverages; advertising services; advanced automotive batteries, mobility and IT batteries, and energy storage system batteries; telecommunications services; cable TV and internet services; mobile services as a mobile virtual network operator; and localTV channel that realizes regional values through media. In addition, the company offers IT solutions and services, including customized system development, strategic consulting, and IT services outsourcing; space solutions; economic analysis, countermeasure preparation, and industrial research and corporate management consulting services; and professional sports management services. LG Corp. was founded in 1947 and is based in Seoul, South Korea.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for LG Corp., based on its industry sub-industry Consumer Electronics. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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