Glodon Company (2410.SS)

Overall impact
C (49)


Glodon Company is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 49.3 for overall impact (39th percentile compared to all companies), Glodon Company ranks 96th out of 137 industry peers, behind Gorilla Commerce, Orva Shoes, Aeries Technology Group and 92 others, and ahead of Black Knight, Bottomline Technologies, Quhuo and 38 others. On top material causes for Glodon Company's industry (Software & Services), Glodon Company performs poorly in Free, Secure Flow of Information (34.5 score), Quality Primary Education (21.8), Quality Lifelong Education (35.2) and 1 other cause where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. Glodon Company did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause 2410.SS
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Overall impact

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Information Technology
Application Software
SASB industry
Software & IT Services
Share classes
Glodon Company Limited provides digital building platform services to the construction industry in China. The company offers TAS & TRB for architecture, structure, and rebar; TBQ, a 5D BIM digital cost estimation and management solution; Gsite, a centralized platform for construction management; TMEC, a 5D BIM quantity takeoff for mechanical and electrical; CAD reader, a Dwg viewer and measurement tool; MagiCAD cloud for MEP design; project management system for enterprise; sunlight analysis software; power tunnel design; utility tunnel design; DecoCost 2021, a self-developed graphic platform; municipal quantity takeoff; BIMSpace MEP detailed design; building performance analysis platform; and sponge city design software; and BIM+Smart construction site solutions. It also provides Gwork collaboration platform; component library; BIMSpace architecture, an architecture BIM design software; BIMSpace MEP; BIM design management platform, a collaborative management platform for design organizations; BIMMAKE, which generates building information modeling; Heating Pipelines Design; HVAC design software; InfraFuser, a multi-discipline comprehensive infrastructure design system; Urban Road Design; ZPlan; Eroad Suite, a road BIM design software; and BIMSpace structure, a structural construction drawing design and review software. In addition, the company offers 5D BIM digital cost management solution; digital construction solution; digital city; architecture design integrated solution; client-cloud big data integrated solution; digital design review solution; and infrastructure design integrated solution. The company was formerly known as Glodon Software Company Limited and changed its name to Glodon Company Limited in June 2016. Glodon Company Limited was founded in 1998 and is based in Beijing, China.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Glodon Company, based on its industry sub-industry Application Software. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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