Willis Towers Watson (WTW)

Overall impact
C (52)


Willis Towers Watson is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 52.5 for overall impact (46th percentile compared to all companies), Willis Towers Watson ranks 10th out of 28 industry peers, behind Crawford, Howden Group Holdings, Alliant Insurance Services and 6 others, and ahead of Gallagher, Fanhua, ProSight Global and 15 others. On top material causes for Willis Towers Watson's industry (Insurance), Willis Towers Watson performs well in Accountable Institutions (80.3 score) and Equal Pay and Opportunity (80.9) and performs poorly in Free, Secure Flow of Information (35.8 score), Reduced Inequality (29.5) and Reduced Waste (13.6).
Cause WTW
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Insurance Brokers
SASB industry
United Kingdom
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To design and deliver solutions that manage risk, optimize benefits, cultivate talent, and expand the power of capital to protect and strengthen institutions and individuals.
Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company operates as an advisory, broking, and solutions company worldwide. It operates through two segments: Health, Wealth & Career and Risk & Broking. The company offers strategy and design consulting, plan management service and support, broking and administration services for health, wellbeing, and other group benefit program, including medical, dental, disability, life, voluntary benefits and other coverages; actuarial support, plan design, and administrative services for pension and retirement savings plans; retirement consulting services and solutions; and integrated solutions that consists of investment discretionary management, pension administration, core actuarial, and communication and change management assistance services. It also provides advice, data, software, and products to address clients' total rewards and talent issues; and risk advice, insurance brokerage, and consulting services in the areas of property and casualty, affinity, risk and analytics, aerospace, construction, global markets direct & facultative, financial, executive and professional risks, financial solutions, crisis management, surety, marine, and natural resources. In addition, the company offers integrated solutions that consists of investment discretionary management, pension administration, core actuarial, and communication and change management assistance services; and software and technology, risk and capital management, products and product pricing, financial and regulatory reporting, financial and capital modeling, M&A, outsourcing, and business management services. The company was formerly known as Willis Group Holdings Public Limited Company and changed its name to Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company in January 2016. Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company was founded in 1828 and is based in London, the United Kingdom.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Willis Towers Watson, based on its industry sub-industry Insurance Brokers. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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