Cathay Financial (2882.TW)

Overall impact
B (76)


Cathay Financial is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 75.9 for overall impact (90th percentile compared to all companies), Cathay Financial ranks 9th out of 47 industry peers, behind Allianz, Sampo, Ageas and 5 others, and ahead of Goosehead Insurance, Zurich Insurance, AXA and 35 others. On top material causes for Cathay Financial's industry (Insurance), Cathay Financial performs well in No Poverty (84.2 score), Improved Mental Health (82.4), Decent, Safe Work Opportunities (91.1) and 2 other causes where it received an 'A' score. Cathay Financial did not receive a 'D' or 'F' rating on any cause.
Cause 2882.TW
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Multi-line Insurance
SASB industry
Share classes
Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd., through its subsidiaries, provides various financial products and services in Taiwan, rest of Asia, and internationally. The company operates through five segments: Banking, Life Insurance, Property Insurance, Securities, and Other segments. It offers commercial banking, foreign exchange, guarantee, advisory services for foreign currency investments, trust, offshore banking units, and other financial services. The company also provides traditional, investment-linked, and annuity insurance products; financial planning and policy loan services; and various insurance products, such as fire, marine, land and air, liability, financial guarantee, property, life, and other insurance products. In addition, it offers securities brokerage, dealership, underwriting, and security financial services, as well as other financial products and futures services. Further, the company provides real estate investment and management, real estate rental and office leasing, energy technical, asset management, fund management, venture capital, private equity service, and risk management software, as well as electric power supply, electric transmission, and power distribution, and machinery manufacturing services. Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd. was incorporated in 2001 and is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Cathay Financial, based on its industry sub-industry Multi-line Insurance. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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