Progressive (PGR)

Overall impact
C (48)


Progressive is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 48.0 for overall impact (37th percentile compared to all companies), Progressive ranks 45th out of 83 industry peers, behind Allstate, AIG, The Hartford and 41 others, and ahead of Horace Mann Educators, State Auto Financial, Alleghany and 35 others. On top material causes for Progressive's industry (Insurance), Progressive performs well in Quality Lifelong Education (85.0 score), Racial Justice and Civil Rights (92.0) and Equal Pay and Opportunity (95.8) and performs poorly in Improved Mental Health (30.7 score), Fair Labor Practices (32.3), Disaster Readiness and Effective Aid (22.8) and 7 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause PGR
Peer rank
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Property & Casualty Insurance
SASB industry
Oh, United States
Share classes
To reduce the human trauma and economic costs associated with automobile accidents.
The Progressive Corporation, an insurance holding company, provides personal and commercial auto, personal residential and commercial property, business related general liability, and other specialty property-casualty insurance products and related services in the United States. It operates in three segments: Personal Lines, Commercial Lines, and Property. The Personal Lines segment writes insurance for personal autos and recreational vehicles (RV). This segment's products include personal auto insurance; and special lines products, including insurance for motorcycles, ATVs, RVs, watercrafts, snowmobiles, and related products. The Commercial Lines segment provides auto-related liability and physical damage insurance, and business-related general liability and property insurance for autos, vans, and pick-up trucks used by small businesses, as well as non-fleet taxis, black-car services, and airport taxis; tractors, trailers, and straight trucks primarily used by regional general freight and expeditor-type businesses, and long-haul operators; dump trucks used by light contractors and heavy constructions; log trucks and garbage trucks used by dirt, sand and gravel, logging, garbage/debris removal, and coal-type businesses; and tow trucks and wreckers used in towing services and gas/service station businesses. The Property segment writes residential property insurance for homeowners, other property owners, and renters, as well as offers manufactured homes, personal umbrella insurance, and primary and excess flood insurance. The company offers policy issuance and claims adjusting services; acts as an agent to homeowners, general liability, workers' compensation insurance, and other products; and reinsurance services. It sells its products through independent insurance agencies, as well as through mobile applications and over the phone. The Progressive Corporation was founded in 1937 and is headquartered in Mayfield Village, Ohio.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Progressive, based on its industry sub-industry Property & Casualty Insurance. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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