Overall impact
C (49)


Chubb is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 48.8 for overall impact (38th percentile compared to all companies), Chubb ranks 43rd out of 83 industry peers, behind Allstate, AIG, The Hartford and 39 others, and ahead of Horace Mann Educators, Conifer, Progressive and 37 others. On top material causes for Chubb's industry (Insurance), Chubb performs poorly in Improved Mental Health (36.0 score), Fair Labor Practices (37.4), No Poverty (18.8) and 4 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. Chubb did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause CB
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Property & Casualty Insurance
SASB industry
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Committed to being a leader in the global insurance and reinsurance market by always conducting business in a consistent, disciplined and focused manner.
Chubb Limited provides insurance and reinsurance products worldwide. The company's North America Commercial P&C Insurance segment offers commercial property, casualty, workers' compensation, package policies, risk management, financial lines, marine, construction, environmental, medical risk, cyber risk, surety, and casualty; and group accident and health insurance to large, middle market, and small commercial businesses. Its North America Personal P&C Insurance segment provides affluent and high net worth individuals and families with homeowners, automobile and collector cars, valuable articles, personal and excess liability, travel insurance, and recreational marine insurance and services. The company's North America Agricultural Insurance segment offers multiple peril crop and crop-hail insurance; and coverage for farm, ranch, and specialty property and casualty, and commercial agriculture products. Its Overseas General Insurance segment provides coverage for traditional commercial property and casualty; specialty categories, such as financial lines, marine, energy, aviation, political risk, and construction; and group accident and health, and traditional and specialty personal lines for corporations, middle markets, and small customers through retail brokers, agents, and other channels. The company's Global Reinsurance segment offers traditional and specialty reinsurance under the Chubb Tempest Re brand to property and casualty companies. Its Life Insurance segment provides protection and savings products comprising whole life, endowment plans, individual and life, group term life, health protection, personal accident, credit life, universal life, group employee benefits, and unit linked contracts. It markets its products primarily through insurance and reinsurance brokers. The company was formerly known as ACE Limited and changed its name to Chubb Limited in January 2016. Chubb Limited was incorporated in 1985 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Chubb, based on its industry sub-industry Property & Casualty Insurance. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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