Domain Holdings Australia (DHG.AX)

Overall impact
C (45)


Domain Holdings Australia is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 44.7 for overall impact (31st percentile compared to all companies), Domain Holdings Australia ranks 45th out of 56 industry peers, behind Synacor, Tuanche, and 41 others, and ahead of Opera Limited, Limelight Networks, Blucora and 8 others. On top material causes for Domain Holdings Australia's industry (Software & Services), Domain Holdings Australia performs poorly in Quality Lifelong Education (31.2 score), Technology Innovation (12.9), Arts and Culture Access (38.5) and 1 other cause where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. Domain Holdings Australia did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause DHG.AX
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Information Technology
IT Services
Internet Services & Infrastructure
SASB industry
Internet Media & Services
Nsw, Australia
Share classes
Domain Holdings Australia Limited engages in the real estate media and technology services business in Australia. The company operates through Core Digital and Print segments. It offers residential, commercial, and rural property marketing services through desktop, mobile, and social platforms, as well as print magazines; and search and valuation tools and insights to buyers, sellers, investors, renters, governments, and agents. The company also provides a platform for advertisers to connect with consumer audiences; and commercial real estate services, including digital subscription, depth listings, and display advertising for a range of sectors, such as industrial, office, retail, and developers. In addition, it offers agent solutions that provides a platform of property data, real time agent supplies digital agency agreements, auction solutions and contracts, and Homepass that delivers a registration tool and database for property open-for-inspections. Further, the company provides a property data solution to agents, consumers, government, financial institutions, and corporates. Additionally, the company publishes real estate newspapers and magazines; and provides property lifecycle services, including home loans, insurance, trade services, and residential utilities connections. The company was incorporated in 2000 and is headquartered in Pyrmont, Australia.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Domain Holdings Australia, based on its industry sub-industry Internet Services & Infrastructure. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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