Cincinnati Financial (CINF)

Overall impact
D (26)


Cincinnati Financial is a below-average overall performer. With a 'D' rating of 26.3 for overall impact (bottom 10% of all companies), Cincinnati Financial ranks 74th out of 83 industry peers, behind Allstate, AIG, The Hartford and 70 others, and ahead of White Mountains Insurance, WR Berkley, American Financial and 6 others. On top material causes for Cincinnati Financial's industry (Insurance), Cincinnati Financial performs poorly in Improved Mental Health (12.7 score), Fair Labor Practices (18.1), Accountable Institutions (24.7) and 11 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. Cincinnati Financial did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause CINF
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Property & Casualty Insurance
SASB industry
Oh, United States
Share classes
To grow profitably and enhance the ability of local independent insurance agents to deliver quality financial protection to the people and businesses they serve.
Cincinnati Financial Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides property casualty insurance products in the United States. The company operates through five segments: Commercial Lines Insurance, Personal Lines Insurance, Excess and Surplus Lines Insurance, Life Insurance, and Investments. The Commercial Lines Insurance segment offers coverage for commercial casualty, commercial property, commercial auto, workers' compensation and other commercial lines including management liability and surety that offers contract and commercial surety bonds, and fidelity bonds; and machinery and equipment. The Personal Lines Insurance segment offers personal auto; homeowner; and other personal lines insurance such as dwelling fire, inland marine, personal umbrella liability, and watercraft coverages. The Excess and Surplus Lines Insurance segment offers commercial casualty insurance that covers businesses for third-party liability from accidents occurring on their premises or arising out of their operations including injuries sustained from products, as well as other coverages, including miscellaneous errors and omissions, professional liability, and excess liability; and commercial property insurance, which insures buildings, inventory, equipment, and business income from loss or damage due to various causes, such as fire, wind, hail, water, theft, and vandalism. The Life Insurance segment provides term life insurance; universal life insurance; worksite products, such as term life; and whole life insurance products, as well as annuities. The Investments segment invests in fixed-maturity investments, including taxable and tax-exempt bonds, redeemable preferred stocks; and equity investments comprising common and nonredeemable preferred stocks. The company also offers commercial leasing and financing services; and insurance brokerage services. Cincinnati Financial Corporation was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Fairfield, Ohio.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Cincinnati Financial, based on its industry sub-industry Property & Casualty Insurance. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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