Stora Enso (STERV.HE)

Overall impact
A (92)


Stora Enso is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 91.7 for overall impact (99th percentile compared to all companies), Stora Enso ranks 1st out of 1 industry peers, ahead of and -3 others. On top material causes for Stora Enso's industry (Lumber and Wood), Stora Enso
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Paper & Forest Products
Paper Products
SASB industry
Pulp & Paper Products
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Stora Enso Oyj provides renewable solutions for the packaging, biomaterials, wooden constructions, and paper industries in Finland and internationally. It operates through Packaging Materials, Packaging Solutions, Biomaterials, Wood Products, Forest, Paper, and Other segments. The company's Packaging Materials segment offers virgin and recycled fiber replace fossil-based materials with low-carbon, renewable and recyclable packaging materials for food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and transport packaging. Its Packaging Solutions segment develops and sells fiber-based packaging products and services, including converting corrugated boards and carton boards; and new materials, such as formed fiber and wood foams into standard and bespoke packaging solutions for retail, e-commerce, and industrials. The company's Biomaterials segment provides various pulp for packaging, paper, tissue, specialties, and hygiene product producers; and tall oil and turpentine from biomass. Its Wood Products segment offers wood-based solutions, including digital tools for design and construction of building projects with wood; applications for windows and doors; and pellets for sustainable heating solutions. The company's Forest segment engages in sustainable forest management, as well as supplies wood. Its Paper segments offers portfolio of products for print and office use. The company's Other segment produces electricity and heat. It serves packaging manufacturers, brand owners, paper merchants, publishers, retailers, printing houses, converters, and construction companies. The company was incorporated in 1996 and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Stora Enso, based on its industry sub-industry Paper Products. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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