Overall impact
C (57)


Pentair is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 56.8 for overall impact (56th percentile compared to all companies), Pentair ranks 8th out of 44 industry peers, behind Ammeraal Beltech, thyssenkrupp nucera AG, KEM ONE and 4 others, and ahead of NF Energy Saving, Omega Flex, Barnes and 33 others. On top material causes for Pentair's industry (Industrial Goods), Pentair performs well in Quality Lifelong Education (84.3 score), Technology Innovation (82.2), Racial Justice and Civil Rights (86.4) and 1 other cause where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Improved Mental Health (29.4 score), Decent, Safe Work Opportunities (32.1), Reduced Inequality (24.7) and 2 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
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Industrial Machinery & Supplies & Components
SASB industry
Industrial Machinery & Goods
United Kingdom
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To enable people, business and industry to access clean, safe water, reduce water consumption, and recover and reuse it.
Pentair plc provides various water solutions in the United States, Western Europe, China, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia, Canada, and Japan. The company operates through three segments: Flow, Water Solutions, and Pool. The Flow segment designs, manufactures, and sells fluid treatment and pump products and systems, including pressure vessels, gas recovery solutions, membrane bioreactors, wastewater reuse systems and advanced membrane filtration, separation systems, water disposal pumps, water supply pumps, fluid transfer pumps, turbine pumps, solid handling pumps, and agricultural spray nozzles for fluid delivery, ion exchange, desalination, food and beverage, separation technologies in the oil and gas industry, residential and municipal wells, water treatment, wastewater solids handling, pressure boosting, circulation and transfer, fire suppression, flood control, agricultural irrigation, and crop spray in residential, commercial, and industrial markets. The Water Solutions segment provides commercial and residential water treatment products and systems, including pressure tanks, control valves, activated carbon products, commercial ice machines, conventional filtration products, and point-of-entry and point-of-use water treatment systems, as well as installation and preventative services for use in residential whole home water filtration, drinking water filtration, and water softening solutions, as well as commercial total water management and filtration in foodservice operations. The Pool segment provides residential and commercial pool equipment and accessories comprising pumps, filters, heaters, lights, automatic controls, automatic cleaners, maintenance equipment, and pool accessories for applications in residential and commercial pool maintenance, pool repair, renovation, service, and construction and aquaculture solutions. Pentair plc was founded in 1966 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Pentair, based on its industry sub-industry Industrial Machinery & Supplies & Components. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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