Overall impact
C (53)


Sodexo is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 52.9 for overall impact (47th percentile compared to all companies), Sodexo ranks 127th out of 185 industry peers, behind Equiniti, AEGIS Hedging Solutions, Wex and 123 others, and ahead of KBR, Hill International, Grana and Montero and 55 others. On top material causes for Sodexo's industry (Business Services), Sodexo performs well in Equal Pay and Opportunity (95.7 score) and Lgbtq Equality (85.8) and performs poorly in Accountable Institutions (37.0 score), Accountable Institutions (20.7), Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (36.3) and 1 other cause where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause SW.PA
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Consumer Discretionary
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure
SASB industry
Share classes
Sodexo S.A. provides food services and facilities management services worldwide. It offers a collection of tailor-made food, venue marketing and event ticketing services in cultural destinations, stadiums and arenas, conference and convention centers, airport lounges, and international events; healthcare and seniors; and learning solutions to schools and universities. The company also provides food services comprising retail service, food delivery, and meal and food vouchers, as well as digital food ordering services; savings and purchase solutions, data and digital tools, and advisory services and client support; and work-life balance and employee experience solutions. In addition, it offers facility management services, including technical service management, assets management, building maintenance, access control, deep cleaning, energy management, space planning, project management, front-of-house services, grounds maintenance, waste management, HVAC systems, mail management, commercial cleaning, workspace management, and pest control services. The company was formerly known as Sodexho Alliance and changed its name to Sodexo S.A. in 2008. Sodexo S.A. was founded in 1966 and is headquartered in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Sodexo, based on its industry sub-industry Restaurants. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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