Pilgrims Pride (PPC)

Overall impact
D (22)


Pilgrims Pride is a below-average overall performer. With a 'D' rating of 22.0 for overall impact (bottom 10% of all companies), Pilgrims Pride ranks 17th out of 22 industry peers, behind David's Tea, Danone, Grupo Nutresa and 13 others, and ahead of Cal-Maine Foods, Wayne-Sanderson Farms, Central Garden & Pet and 2 others. On top material causes for Pilgrims Pride's industry (Food), Pilgrims Pride performs poorly in Lgbtq Equality (36.4 score), Decent, Safe Work Opportunities (0.0), Sustainable Use of Water (0.0) and 15 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. Pilgrims Pride did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause PPC
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Consumer Staples
Food Products
Packaged Foods & Meats
SASB industry
Meat, Poultry & Dairy
Co, United States
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Striving to be the best managed and most respected company in the industry by being a valued partner with our key customers, relentless pursuit of operational excellence, and strategically growing our valued added exports.
Pilgrim's Pride Corporation produces, processes, markets, and distributes fresh, frozen, and value-added chicken and pork products to retailers, distributors, and foodservice operators in the United States, Europe, and Mexico. The company offers fresh products, including refrigerated whole or cut-up chicken, selected chicken parts that are either marinated or non-marinated, primary pork cuts, added value pork, pork ribs, and lamb products; and prepared products, which include fully cooked, ready-to-cook and individually frozen chicken parts, strips, nuggets and patties, processed sausages, bacon, smoked meat, gammon joints, pre-packed meats, sandwich and deli counter meats and meat balls. It also provides plant-based protein, ready-to-eat meals, multi-protein frozen foods, vegetarian foods, and desserts. In addition, its exported products include whole chickens and chicken parts for distributors in the U.S. or frozen for distribution to export markets and primary pork cuts, hog heads, and trotters frozen for distribution. The company offers its products under the Pilgrim's, Just BARE, Gold'n Pump, Gold Kist, County Pride, Pierce Chicken, Pilgrim's Mexico, Savoro, To-Ricos, Del Dia, Moy Park, O'Kane, Richmond, Fridge Raiders, and Denny brands. It serves chain restaurants, food processors, broad-line distributors, and other institutions; and retail market, such as grocery store chains, wholesale clubs, and other retail distributors. The company was founded in 1946 and is headquartered in Greeley, Colorado. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation operates as a subsidiary of JBS S.A.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Pilgrims Pride, based on its industry sub-industry Packaged Foods & Meats. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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