Hormel Foods (HRL)

Overall impact
D (38)


Hormel Foods is a below-average overall performer. With a 'D' rating of 38.4 for overall impact (bottom 25% of all companies), Hormel Foods ranks 14th out of 27 industry peers, behind Marfrig, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial, China Mengniu Dairy and 10 others, and ahead of ABP Food, Dawn Meats, Muyuan Foods and 10 others. On top material causes for Hormel Foods's industry (Food), Hormel Foods performs well in Zero Hunger (95.8 score) and performs poorly in Affordable, Safe Housing (37.0 score), Improved Mental Health (2.7), Humane Treatment of Animals (0.0) and 11 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause HRL
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Overall impact

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Consumer Staples
Food Products
Packaged Foods & Meats
SASB industry
Meat, Poultry & Dairy
Mn, United States
Share classes
As a leading branded food company with a focus on profitable growth and inspired by our founder's charge to "Originate, don't imitate," we market a balanced portfolio of highly differentiated quality products.
Hormel Foods Corporation develops, processes, and distributes various meat, nuts, and other food products to foodservice, convenience store, and commercial customers in the United States and internationally. It operates through three segments: Retail, Foodservice, and International segments. The company provides various perishable products that include fresh meats, frozen items, refrigerated meal solutions, bacons, sausages, hams, and guacamoles; and shelf-stable products comprising canned luncheon meats, nut butters, snack nuts, chili, shelf-stable microwaveable meals, hash, stews, tortillas, salsas, tortilla chips, nutritional food supplements, and others. It sells its products under the HORMEL, ALWAYS TENDER, APPLEGATE, AUSTIN BLUES, BACON 1, BLACK LABEL, BREAD READY, BURKE, CAFÉ H, CERATTI, CHI-CHI'S, COLUMBUS, COMPLEATS, CORN NUTS, CURE 81, DAN'S PRIZE, DI LUSSO, DINTY MOORE, DON MIGUEL, DOÑA MARIA, EMBASA, FAST "N EASY, FIRE BRAISED, FONTANINI, HERDEZ, HORMEL GATHERINGS, HOUSE OF TSANG, JENNIE-O, JUSTIN'S, LA VICTORIA, LAYOUT, LLOYD'S, MARY KITCHEN, MR. PEANUT, NATURAL CHOICE, NUT-RITION, OLD SMOKEHOUSE, OVEN READY, PILLOW PACK, PLANTERS, ROSA GRANDE, SADLER'S SMOKEHOUSE, SKIPPY, SPAM, SQUARE TABLE, SPECIAL RECIPE, VALLEY FRESH, and WHOLLY brands through sales personnel, independent brokers, and distributors. The company was formerly known as Geo. A. Hormel & Company and changed its name to Hormel Foods Corporation in January 1995. Hormel Foods Corporation was founded in 1891 and is headquartered in Austin, Minnesota.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Hormel Foods, based on its industry sub-industry Packaged Foods & Meats. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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