Manulife Financial (MFC)

Overall impact
C (55)


Manulife Financial is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 54.7 for overall impact (51st percentile compared to all companies), Manulife Financial ranks 24th out of 43 industry peers, behind Metlife, Primerica, Federal Life and 20 others, and ahead of FBL Financial, SBI Life Insurance Company, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company and 16 others. On top material causes for Manulife Financial's industry (Insurance), Manulife Financial performs well in Disaster Readiness and Effective Aid (95.4 score), Equal Pay and Opportunity (95.8) and Quality Lifelong Education (88.6) and performs poorly in Reduced Inequality (37.8 score), Accountable Institutions (31.0), Accountable Institutions (21.0) and 5 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause MFC
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Life & Health Insurance
SASB industry
On, Canada
Share classes
To make decisions easier and our customers' lives better.
Manulife Financial Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides financial products and services in the United States, Canada, Asia, and internationally. It operates through Wealth and Asset Management Businesses; Insurance and Annuity Products; and Corporate and Other segments. The Wealth and Asset Management Businesses segment offers investment advice and innovative solutions to retirement, retail, and institutional clients through multiple distribution channels, including agents and brokers affiliated with the company, independent securities brokerage firms and financial advisors pension plan consultants, and banks. Its Insurance and Annuity Products segment provides deposit and credit products; and individual life insurance, individual and group long-term care insurance, and guaranteed and partially guaranteed annuity products through multiple distribution channels, including insurance agents, brokers, banks, financial planners, and direct marketing. The Corporate and Other segment is involved in the property and casualty reinsurance businesses; and run-off reinsurance operations, including variable annuities, and accident and health. The company also manages timberland and agricultural portfolios; and engages in insurance agency, investment counseling and dealer, portfolio and mutual fund management, property and casualty insurance, and mutual fund dealer businesses. In addition, it provides integrated banking products and services, investment counseling. The company was incorporated in 1887 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Manulife Financial, based on its industry sub-industry Life & Health Insurance. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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