Waste Connections (WCN)

Overall impact
D (20)


Waste Connections is a below-average overall performer. With a 'D' rating of 20.4 for overall impact (bottom 10% of all companies), Waste Connections ranks 50th out of 50 industry peers, behind Republic Services, Covanta, Avalon and 46 others. On top material causes for Waste Connections's industry (Waste Management), Waste Connections performs well in Affordable, Safe Housing (84.8 score) and performs poorly in Reduced Waste (0.0 score), Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (0.0), Sanitation Access (34.0) and 8 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause WCN
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Commercial Services & Supplies
Environmental & Facilities Services
SASB industry
Waste Management
On, Canada
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To create an environment where self directed, empowered employees strive to consistently fulfill our constituent commitments and seek to create positive impacts through interactions with customers, communities, and fellow employees, always relying on our Operating Values as the foundation for our existence.
Waste Connections, Inc. provides non-hazardous waste collection, transfer, disposal, and resource recovery services in the United States and Canada. It offers collection services to residential, commercial, municipal, industrial, and exploration and production (E&P) customers; landfill disposal services; and recycling services for various recyclable materials, including compost, cardboard, mixed paper, plastic containers, glass bottles, and ferrous and aluminum metals. The company owns and operates transfer stations that receive compact and/or load waste to be transported to landfills or treatment facilities through truck, rail, or barge; and intermodal services for the rail haul movement of cargo and solid waste containers in the Pacific Northwest through a network of intermodal facilities. In addition, it provides E&P waste treatment, recovery, and disposal services for waste resulting from oil and natural gas exploration and production activity, such as drilling fluids, drill cuttings, completion fluids, and flowback water; production wastes and produced water during a well's operating life; contaminated soils that require treatment during site reclamation; and substances, which require clean-up after a spill, reserve pit clean-up, or pipeline rupture. Further, the company offers leasing services. Waste Connections, Inc. was founded in 1997 and is based in Woodbridge, Canada.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Waste Connections, based on its industry sub-industry Environmental & Facilities Services. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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