Mitsui & Co (8031.T)

Overall impact
C (50)


Mitsui & Co is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 49.7 for overall impact (40th percentile compared to all companies), Mitsui & Co ranks 32nd out of 84 industry peers, behind Tempus Applied Solutions, Vivopower International, Simplicity Esports and Gaming and 28 others, and ahead of Priority Technology, Parsons, GT Capital and 49 others. On top material causes for Mitsui & Co's industry (Conglomerates), Mitsui & Co performs well in Technology Innovation (86.3 score), Fair Labor Practices (85.2), Quality Lifelong Education (86.8) and 1 other cause where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Reduced Green House Gas Emissions (1.7 score), Healthy Oceans (0.0), Accountable Institutions (37.4) and 4 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause 8031.T
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Impact trend

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Industrial Conglomerates
Industrial Conglomerates
SASB industry
Industrial Machinery & Goods
Share classes
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. operates as an trading and investment company worldwide. The company engages in the manufacture and sale of steel products; steel processing, maintenance, and recycling activities; investment, development, and trading of mineral and metal resources, as well as resource recycling and industrial developing solutions; and upstream development, logistics, and trading of energy resources, such as natural gas/LNG, oil, coal, and uranium. It also offers power, gas, water, rail, and logistics systems; sales, financing, lease, transportation, and logistics services; and invests in plants, offshore energy development, ships, aviation, space, railways, and automotives, as well as machinery for mining, construction, and industrial use. In addition, the company provides basic chemicals and inorganic raw materials, functional materials, electronic materials, specialty chemicals, housing and lifestyle materials, agri-inputs, animal/human nutrition, and health products; and logistics infrastructures services, including tank terminal operation, as well as plastic recycling and next-generation energy, such as hydrogen and ammonia and forest resources businesses. Further, it engages in the food resources and products, merchandising, retail, fashion and textiles, wellness, healthcare, pharma, hospitality, and human capital businesses. Additionally, it is involved in the ICT, finance, real estate, and logistics businesses. The company was incorporated in 1947 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Mitsui E&P Italia B operates as a subsidiary of Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Mitsui & Co, based on its industry sub-industry Industrial Conglomerates. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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