Maruti Suzuki India (MARUTI.NS)

Overall impact
C (41)


Maruti Suzuki India is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 41.1 for overall impact (25th percentile compared to all companies), Maruti Suzuki India ranks 23rd out of 45 industry peers, behind Plus, IAA, McLaren Group and 19 others, and ahead of Geely Auto, Changan Automobile, FleetPride and 19 others. On top material causes for Maruti Suzuki India's industry (Automobiles & Parts), Maruti Suzuki India performs poorly in Lgbtq Equality (30.1 score), Reduced Green House Gas Emissions (32.9), Terrestrial Biodiversity (30.4) and 4 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. Maruti Suzuki India did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
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Consumer Discretionary
Automobile Manufacturers
SASB industry
Share classes
Maruti Suzuki India Limited engages in the manufacture, purchase, and sale of motor vehicles, components, and spare parts primarily in India. The company offers passenger vehicles, utility vehicles, and multi-purpose vehicles. It is also involved in the facilitation of pre-owned car sales, fleet management, and car financing activities. In addition, the company offers driving school, accessories, insurance, and financing products and services. It also exports its products to Mexico, Chile, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Philippines, and internationally. The company was formerly known as Maruti Udyog Limited and changed its name to Maruti Suzuki India Limited in September 2007. Maruti Suzuki India Limited was incorporated in 1981 and is headquartered in New Delhi, India. Maruti Suzuki India Limited operates as a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Maruti Suzuki India, based on its industry sub-industry Automobile Manufacturers. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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