SK Chemicals (285130.KS)

Overall impact
C (43)


SK Chemicals is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 43.2 for overall impact (28th percentile compared to all companies), SK Chemicals ranks 84th out of 151 industry peers, behind Amyris, Northern Technologies International, Gulf Resources and 80 others, and ahead of Aemetis, Oil-Dri of America, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Inc and 64 others. On top material causes for SK Chemicals's industry (Chemicals), SK Chemicals performs poorly in Reduced Green House Gas Emissions (12.6 score), Sanitation Access (14.7), Clean Water Access (17.2) and 4 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. SK Chemicals did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause 285130.KS
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Specialty Chemicals
SASB industry
South Korea
Share classes
SK Chemicals Co.,Ltd provides chemicals and life sciences products and solutions in South Korea, China, Japan, Asia, the United States, Europe, and internationally. The company offers copolyester, engineering plastic, petro chemical, specialty chemical, coating and adhesive, biomaterial, and performance chemical for covid-19 personal protective equipment, industrial materials, sustainable packaging solution, packaging, cosmetic, automotive, consumer goods and sports, and electronics and home appliance applications. It sells its products under the SKYGREEN, SKYPEL, SKYBON, ECOZEN, SKYTRA, ECOTRION, CLARO, SKYDMT, CnR, ECOTRIA, SKYCHDM, E.Chemical, SKYPET, SKYDMCD, SKYPURA, and SKYCHDA brands. The company also provides ETC drugs, including musculoskeletal system, anti-inflammatory agents/analgenics, digestive system, central nervous system, respiratory system, urinary system, kidney/rheumatism, circulatory system/metabolic disease, antimicrobial/antiviral agents, and others; OTC drugs, such as common cold/antihistamine, drugs to improve blood flow, vitamins/minerals, dermatologicals, and other products. SK Chemicals Co.,Ltd was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in Seongnam-si, South Korea.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for SK Chemicals, based on its industry sub-industry Specialty Chemicals. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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