Overall impact
A (91)


Xero is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 90.6 for overall impact (99th percentile compared to all companies), Xero ranks 2nd out of 137 industry peers, behind Dassault Systemes, and ahead of Eplus, Mimecast, Audioeye and 132 others. On top material causes for Xero's industry (Software & Services), Xero performs well in Decent, Safe Work Opportunities (95.6 score), Quality Lifelong Education (95.8), Improved Mental Health (91.2) and 9 other causes where it received an 'A' score. Xero did not receive a 'D' or 'F' rating on any cause.
Cause XRO.AX
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Information Technology
Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals
Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals
SASB industry
Software & IT Services
New Zealand
Share classes
Xero Limited, together with its subsidiaries, a software as a service company, provides online business solutions for small businesses and their advisors in Australia, New Zealand, and internationally. It offers Xero, an open platform that connects small businesses to a range of solutions, which helps to manage their finances. The company also provides Xero mobile app; and accountant/bookkeeper tools, including Xero HQ, Xero Practice Manager, Xero Workpapers, and Xero Cashbook or Xero Ledger. Xero Limited was incorporated in 2006 and is headquartered in Wellington, New Zealand.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Xero, based on its industry sub-industry Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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