Pernod Ricard (PDRDF)

Overall impact
A (96)


Pernod Ricard is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 96.0 for overall impact (99th percentile compared to all companies), Pernod Ricard ranks 1st out of 34 industry peers, ahead of Fortune Valley Treasures, Eastside Distilling, China New Borun and 30 others. On top material causes for Pernod Ricard's industry (Beverages), Pernod Ricard performs well in Sustainable Use of Water (91.5 score), Accountable Institutions (83.4), Child and Maternal Health (95.6) and 16 other causes where it received an 'A' score. Pernod Ricard did not receive a 'D' or 'F' rating on any cause.
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Impact trend

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Consumer Staples
Distillers & Vintners
SASB industry
Alcoholic Beverages
Share classes
Pernod Ricard SA produces and sells wines and spirits worldwide. The company offers whiskey, vodka, gin, rum, liqueur and bitters, champagne, tequila and mezcal, and aperitif under the brands 100 Pipers, Aberlour, Absolut, Absolut Elyx, Altos, ARARAT, Augier, Avion, Ballantine's, Becherovka, Beefeater, Blenders Pride, Brancott Estate, Campo Viejo, Ceder's, Chivas, Church Road, Clan Campbell, Del Maguey, George Wyndham, Green Spot, Havana Club, Imperial, Imperial Blue, Italicus, J.P. Wiser's, Jacob's Creek, Jameson, Jefferson's, Kahlúa, Kenwood, KI NO BI, Lillet, Long John, L'Orbe, Lot No. 40, Malfy, Malibu, Martell, Method & Madness, Midleton Very Rare, Minttu, Monkey 47, Mumm, Olmeca, Ostoya, Passport Scotch, Pastis 51, Pernod, Perrier-Jouët, Plymouth Gin, Powers, Rabbit Hole, Ramazzotti, Redbreast, Ricard, Royal Salute, Royal Stag, Scapa, Seagram's Gin, Secret Speyside, Smooth Ambler, Something Special, St Hugo, Stoneleigh, Suze, The Glenlivet, TX, Wyborowa, and Ysios. It also provides non-alcoholic beverages under the brands Ceder's, Suze Tonic 0%, Cinzano Spritz 0%, Pacific, Campo Viejo Sparkling 0%, and Jacob's Creek Unvined. Pernod Ricard SA was founded in 1805 and is headquartered in Paris, France.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Pernod Ricard, based on its industry sub-industry Distillers & Vintners. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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