Gestamp (GEST.MC)

Overall impact
C (48)


Gestamp is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 48.1 for overall impact (37th percentile compared to all companies), Gestamp ranks 49th out of 104 industry peers, behind Speedemissions, Niu Technologies, Veoneer and 45 others, and ahead of ARB Corporation, Auveco Products, Luminar Technologies and 52 others. On top material causes for Gestamp's industry (Automobiles & Parts), Gestamp performs well in Technology Innovation (89.3 score) and performs poorly in Reduced Waste (34.4 score) and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (30.2).
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Consumer Discretionary
Automobile Components
Automotive Parts & Equipment
SASB industry
Auto Parts
Share classes
Gestamp Automoción, S.A. designs, develops, manufactures, and sells metal automotive components in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Mercosur, North America, and Asia. The company offers body-in-white products, such as bonnets, roofs, doors, and mudguards, as well as other surface and assembly parts; and structural and crash-related elements that include floors, pillars, rails, and wheel arches. It also provides chassis parts, such as systems, frames, and related parts consisting of front and rear axles and couplings, control arms, and integrated couplings; and mechanism parts, including hinges, door checks, electrical systems, and powered systems, as well as driver controls. In addition, the company offers hydraulic presses and dies. Further, it researches and develops new technologies. The company serves vehicle manufacturers. The company was incorporated in 1997 and is headquartered in Madrid, Spain. Gestamp Automoción, S.A. is a subsidiary of Gestamp 2020, S.L.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Gestamp, based on its industry sub-industry Automotive Parts & Equipment. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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