Outokumpu Oyj (OUT1V.HE)

Overall impact
B (64)


Outokumpu Oyj is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 64.4 for overall impact (72nd percentile compared to all companies), Outokumpu Oyj ranks 9th out of 62 industry peers, behind Chaparral Energy, Friedman Industries, Tacora Resources and 5 others, and ahead of Vale, Ossen Innovation, Northwest Pipe and 50 others. On top material causes for Outokumpu Oyj's industry (Metals & Mining), Outokumpu Oyj performs well in Reduced Green House Gas Emissions (86.8 score), Safety From Violent Conflict (84.8), Conflict Free Mineral Production (95.9) and 1 other cause where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Racial Justice and Civil Rights (32.7 score) and Lgbtq Equality (31.5).
Cause OUT1V.HE
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Metals & Mining
SASB industry
Iron & Steel Producers
Share classes
Outokumpu Oyj produces and sells various stainless steel products in Finland, other European countries, North America, the Asia-Pacific, and internationally. The company operates through three segments: Europe, Americas, and Ferrochrome. It offers cold rolled coils, strips, and sheets; hot rolled coils, strips, and plates; quarto plates; precision strips; and specialized components, such as welded stainless-steel I-beams, H-beams, hollow-section tubes, bent profiles, structural sections, hardened and customized press plates, suction roll shells, and blancs and disks. The company also provides stainless steel powder which includes Supra 316L, Dura 17-4PH, Ultra 904L, Therma 253MA, Dura 4116, and Ni-free austenitic stainless steel powder; and nickel-based alloys. Its products are used in various applications, including commercial kitchen, cooking, food industry, and home appliances; automotive and transportation; building and infrastructure; energy; marine; and heavy industries. The company was founded in 1910 and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Outokumpu Oyj, based on its industry sub-industry Steel. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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