Sumitomo Chemical (4005.T)

Overall impact
B (79)


Sumitomo Chemical is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 78.7 for overall impact (93rd percentile compared to all companies), Sumitomo Chemical ranks 3rd out of 37 industry peers, behind Novozymes and Royal DSM, and ahead of Minerals Technologies, GelTech Solutions, Trecora Resources and 31 others. On top material causes for Sumitomo Chemical's industry (Chemicals), Sumitomo Chemical performs well in Child and Maternal Health (95.0 score), No Poverty (90.9), Lgbtq Equality (95.4) and 10 other causes where it received an 'A' score. Sumitomo Chemical did not receive a 'D' or 'F' rating on any cause.
Cause 4005.T
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Diversified Chemicals
SASB industry
Real Estate
Share classes
Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited engages in Chemicals & Plastics, energy and functional materials, IT-related chemicals, health and crop sciences, pharmaceuticals, and other businesses worldwide. Its Essential Chemicals & Plastics segment offers synthetic resins, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and polymethyl methacrylate resins; raw materials for synthetic fibers; and various industrial chemicals. The company's Energy & Functional Materials segment provides alumina and aluminum products used for energy products; resorcinol for tires, wood adhesives, flame retardants, and ultraviolet ray absorbants; polymer additives and rubber chemicals; synthetic rubber for tires, shoes, construction materials, and other applications; and engineering plastics and lithium-ion secondary battery materials for use in electronic components and next-generation vehicles. Its IT-Related Chemicals segment provides polarizing films, touch screen sensor panels, and color resists and polymer OLED for LC and OLED displays; photoresists and high-purity chemicals for the semiconductor manufacturing process; and compound semiconductor materials for antenna switches and other components of communication terminal equipment. The company's Health & Crop Sciences segment offers crop protection chemicals, fertilizers, feed additives, and household insecticides; active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates; and products to control infectious diseases. Its Pharmaceuticals segment provides prescription and diagnostic pharmaceuticals. The company's Others segment supplies electric power and steam; designs, constructs, and supervises chemical plants; provides transportation and warehousing services; and conducts physical property and environmental analysis. Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited was founded in 1913 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Sumitomo Chemical, based on its industry sub-industry Diversified Chemicals. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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