ThyssenKrupp (TKA.DE)

Overall impact
C (42)


ThyssenKrupp is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 41.9 for overall impact (26th percentile compared to all companies), ThyssenKrupp ranks 20th out of 30 industry peers, behind Chart Industries, Highway Holdings, Sifco Industries and 16 others, and ahead of American Heavy Plate, Haynes International, Shiloh Industries and 7 others. On top material causes for ThyssenKrupp's industry (Manufacturing), ThyssenKrupp performs well in Equal Pay and Opportunity (95.6 score) and Disaster Readiness and Effective Aid (83.6) and performs poorly in Accountable Institutions (32.7 score), Fair Labor Practices (30.3), Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (34.9) and 12 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause TKA.DE
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Overall impact

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Metals & Mining
SASB industry
Iron & Steel Producers
Share classes
thyssenkrupp AG operates as an industrial and technology company in Germany and internationally. The company operates through Automotive Technology, Decarbon Technologies, Materials Services, Steel Europe, and Marine Systems segments. The Automotive Technology segment offers components, systems, and automation solutions for vehicle manufacturing, such as axle assembly, body in white, camshafts and electric engine components, dampers, dies, plant engineering for batteries and powertrain, prototypes, crankshafts and conrods, thermal management, and undercarriages. The Decarbon Technologies segment provides slewing bearings and rings, chemical plants, coke plant technologies, green ammonia and methanol, high pressure processing, and refinery services, cement plants, as well as green hydrogen. The Material Services segment offers alloys, logistics services, industrial minerals, material services, nonferrous metals, plastics, and stainless steel. The Steel Europe segment manufactures composite materials, cutting and lengthening products, electrical steel, hot strips, organic coated strips and sheet, packaging steel, precision steel strip, and sheet and coated products. The Marine System segment offers naval services, naval surface vessels, and submarine services. thyssenkrupp AG was founded in 1811 and is headquartered in Essen, Germany.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for ThyssenKrupp, based on its industry sub-industry Steel. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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