Overall impact
B (64)


Hitachi is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 63.9 for overall impact (71st percentile compared to all companies), Hitachi ranks 12th out of 84 industry peers, behind Tempus Applied Solutions, Vidler Water Resources, Sdiptech and 8 others, and ahead of Vivopower International, Simplicity Esports and Gaming, REX American Resources and 69 others. On top material causes for Hitachi's industry (Conglomerates), Hitachi performs well in Terrestrial Biodiversity (95.7 score), Sanitation Access (95.9), Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (86.7) and 5 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Equal Pay and Opportunity (13.5 score), Fair Labor Practices (22.7), Racial Justice and Civil Rights (11.8) and 4 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
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Industrial Conglomerates
Industrial Conglomerates
SASB industry
Electrical & Electronic Equipment
Share classes
Hitachi, Ltd. provides digital system and services, green energy and mobility, and connective industry solutions in Japan and internationally. It operates through seven segments: Digital Systems & Services, Green Energy & Mobility, Connective Industries, Automotive System, Hitachi Construction Machinery, Hitachi Metals, and Others. The company offers system integration, consulting, cloud services, storage, servers, and ATMs; finance solutions, social infrastructure information systems, government and public corporation information system, big data and AI, and IoT and data management; and IT products. It also operates power grids, nuclear and clear energy, renewable energy; provides energy management services and distributed power source solutions; semiconductors; elevators and escalators; air conditioners; industrial equipment; and railway systems. In addition, the company offers medical equipment for radiation therapy, In-vitro diagnosis, and regenerative medicines; automotive systems; home appliances; and water treatment solutions for water supply and sewage infrastructure, industrial water treatment, seawater desalination, and water recycling, as well as maintenance and repair services. Further, it hydraulic excavators, wheel loaders, mining machinery, construction solutions, and mine management systems. Additionally, the company offers specialty steel, functional components and equipment, power electronic and magnetic materials, wires, and cable and related products; optical disk drives; and property management services. Hitachi, Ltd. was founded in 1910 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Hitachi, based on its industry sub-industry Industrial Conglomerates. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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