Hanwha Group (000880.KS)

Overall impact
B (67)


Hanwha Group is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 66.8 for overall impact (76th percentile compared to all companies), Hanwha Group ranks 16th out of 151 industry peers, behind Northern Technologies International, Pure Bioscience, Chr Hansen and 12 others, and ahead of Amyris, Aemetis, Gulf Resources and 132 others. On top material causes for Hanwha Group's industry (Chemicals), Hanwha Group performs well in Reduced Waste (81.9 score), Terrestrial Biodiversity (95.7), Child and Maternal Health (84.6) and 4 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Decent, Safe Work Opportunities (0.0 score), Equal Pay and Opportunity (15.0) and Racial Justice and Civil Rights (31.0).
Cause 000880.KS
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Specialty Chemicals
SASB industry
South Korea
Share classes
Hanwha Corporation operates in the explosives, defense, trade, and machinery businesses worldwide. The company offers explosives, petrochemicals, sunlight and photovoltaic power generation products, chip mounters, synthetic resins, packaging materials, military equipment, machineries, aircraft engine and parts, broadcasting and wireless communication equipment, compressors, generators, gas turbines, CCTVs, machine tools and power trains, automobile parts and materials, silicon ingots, bearing, solar cell, and other products. It also manufactures and trades in petrochemicals; operates athletic facilities, sports clubs, golf courses, and department stores; engages in the resort, tourism, hotel, catering, real estate, food, oil, import, EPC, insurance, and real estate development businesses; researches, develops, and sells industrial equipment; sells coal; and retails souvenirs, folk crafts, and decorative products. In addition, the company offers engineering and construction services for building, plant and environmental facilities, and others, as well as pension, business facilities and consulting management, business support, leasing, asset management, securities investment, financial loan and investment, investment management and fund, and other financial services. Further, it provides gunpowder, integrated advisory, blasting, deposit management, computer system management, and stock brokering services. The company also processes and distributes agricultural, livestock, and forest products; is involved in resource and mine development, and installment saving activities; and operates sewage treatment, aquarium, environmental pollution prevention facilities, and botanical gardens and zoos. The company was formerly known as Korea Explosives Corp. and changed its name to Hanwha Corporation in March 1993. Hanwha Corporation was founded in 1952 and is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Hanwha Group, based on its industry sub-industry Specialty Chemicals. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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