Overall impact
B (79)


Umicore is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 79.0 for overall impact (93rd percentile compared to all companies), Umicore ranks 3rd out of 30 industry peers, behind Veralto and Newater Technology, and ahead of Heritage-Crystal Clean, Advanced Emissions Solutions, Fuel Tech and 24 others. On top material causes for Umicore's industry (Waste Management), Umicore performs well in Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (95.4 score), Sanitation Access (96.0), No Poverty (90.6) and 6 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Disease Eradication (34.9 score).
Cause UMI.BR
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Specialty Chemicals
SASB industry
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Umicore SA operates as a materials technology and recycling company in Belgium, rest of Europe, the Asia-Pacific, North America, South America, and Africa. It operates through Catalysis, Energy & Surface Technologies, and Recycling segments. The Catalysis segment provides automotive catalysts for gasoline, and diesel light and heavy-duty diesel applications, including on-road and non-road vehicles; stationary catalysis for industrial emissions control; and produces precious metals-based compounds and catalysts for use in the pharmaceutical and fine chemicals industries, as well as fuel cell applications. The Energy & Surface Technologies segment offers cobalt and specialty materials, rechargeable battery materials, and electro-optic materials, as well as metal deposition solutions, including precious metal-based electroplating and PVD coating. The Recycling segment treats waste streams containing precious and other specialty metals from a range of industrial residues and end-of-life materials. This segment also produces precious metals-based materials for glass production, electric, and electronic applications. The company was formerly known as Union Minière du Haut Katanga and changed its name to Umicore SA in 2001. Umicore SA was founded in 1805 and is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Umicore, based on its industry sub-industry Specialty Chemicals. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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