Overall impact
D (37)


Viatris is a below-average overall performer. With a 'D' rating of 37.2 for overall impact (bottom 25% of all companies), Viatris ranks 32nd out of 33 industry peers, behind Zoetis, Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals and 28 others, and ahead of Mallinckrodt. On top material causes for Viatris's industry (Pharmaceuticals & Biotech), Viatris performs poorly in Child and Maternal Health (36.9 score), Accountable Institutions (0.0), Reduced Waste (30.6) and 11 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. Viatris did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
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Health Care
SASB industry
Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals
Pa, United States
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Innovate to satisfy unmet needs; Make reliability and service excellence a habit; Do what's right, not what's easy; Impact the future through passionate global leadership.
Viatris Inc. operates as a healthcare company worldwide. The company operates in four segments: Developed Markets, Greater China, JANZ, and Emerging Markets. It offers prescription brand drugs, generic drugs, complex generic drugs, biosimilars, and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The company offers drugs in various therapeutic areas, including noncommunicable and infectious diseases; biosimilars in the areas of oncology, immunology, endocrinology, ophthalmology, and dermatology; and APIs for antibacterial, central nervous system agents, antihistamines/antiasthmatics, cardiovascular, antivirals, antidiabetics, antifungals, and proton pump inhibitor areas, as well as support services, such as diagnostic clinics, educational seminars, and digital tools to help patients better manage their health. It provides it medicines in the form of oral solid doses, injectables, complex dosage forms, and APIs to retail and pharmacy establishments, wholesalers and distributors, payers, insurers and governments, and institutions. The company distributes its products through pharmaceutical wholesalers/distributors, pharmaceutical retailers, institutional pharmacies, mail-order and e-commerce pharmacies, and specialty pharmacies. It sells its products under the Lyrica, Lipitor, Creon, Influvac, Wixela Inhub, EpiPen auto-injector, Fraxiparine, and Yupelri; Norvasc and Viagra; AMITIZA, Lipacreon, and Effexor; and Celebrex and ARV names, as well as glargine and SEMGLEE names. The company has collaboration and licensing agreements with Revance Therapeutics, Inc.; and Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Viatris Inc. was founded in 1961 and is headquartered in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Viatris, based on its industry sub-industry Pharmaceuticals. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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