International Paper (IP)

Overall impact
D (21)


International Paper is a below-average overall performer. With a 'D' rating of 21.0 for overall impact (bottom 10% of all companies), International Paper ranks 91st out of 94 industry peers, behind IFCO Systems, PaperWorks, Aptar and 87 others. On top material causes for International Paper's industry (Industrial Goods), International Paper performs poorly in Improved Mental Health (9.2 score), Equal Pay and Opportunity (19.1), Clean Water Access (12.1) and 15 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. International Paper did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause IP
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Containers & Packaging
Paper & Plastic Packaging Products & Materials
SASB industry
Containers & Packaging
Tn, United States
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We make sustainable investments to protect and improve the lives of our employees and mobilize our people, products and resources to address critical needs in the communities where our employees live and work. Nothing is more important than the safety of our employees, contractors, and visitors.
International Paper Company produces and sells renewable fiber-based packaging and pulp products in North America, Latin America, Europe, and North Africa. It operates through two segments, Industrial Packaging and Global Cellulose Fibers. The company offers linerboard, medium, whitetop, recycled linerboard, recycled medium and saturating kraft; and pulp for a range of applications, such as diapers, towel and tissue products, feminine care, incontinence, and other personal care products, as well as specialty pulps for use in textiles, construction materials, paints, coatings, and others. The company sells its products directly to end users and converters, as well as through agents, resellers, and distributors. The company was founded in 1898 and is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for International Paper, based on its industry sub-industry Paper & Plastic Packaging Products & Materials. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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