Overall impact
D (37)


Embraer is a below-average overall performer. With a 'D' rating of 36.7 for overall impact (bottom 25% of all companies), Embraer ranks 5th out of 19 industry peers, behind Air Industries, MICT, Bombardier and 1 other, and ahead of Virgin Galactic, Seatrium, Huntington Ingalls Industries and 11 others. On top material causes for Embraer's industry (Aerospace & Defense), Embraer performs well in Renewable Energy Growth (84.7 score) and No Poverty (84.4) and performs poorly in Accountable Institutions (17.0 score), Reduced Availability of Weapons (0.0), Equal Pay and Opportunity (39.6) and 3 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause ERJ
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Aerospace & Defense
Aerospace & Defense
SASB industry
Aerospace & Defense
Sp, Brazil
Share classes
Embraer S.A., together with its subsidiaries, designs, develops, manufactures, and sells aircraft and systems in North America, Latin America, the Asia Pacific, Brazil, Europe, and internationally. It operates through Commercial Aviation; Defense & Security; Executive Aviation; Services & Support; and Other segments. The Commercial Aviation segment develops, produces, and sells commercial jets. Its Defense & Security segment develops and produces military aircraft and radars; and is involved in research and development of software and integrated information systems, communications, border monitoring and surveillance, space systems/satellites, and aircraft modernization services and services support, as well as command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems. The Executive Aviation segment develops, produces, and sells executive jets. Its Service & Support segment provides field and technical support, flight operations solutions, aircraft modification, materials management, maintenance solutions, and training programs. The Other segment engages in the supply of structural parts and hydraulic systems; production of agricultural crop-spraying aircraft; development and certification of eVTOLs; creation of a maintenance and service network, and air traffic control system for eVTOLs; development and manufacture of electrical propulsion systems; cybersecurity; and software and technical products. It is also involved in leasing used aircraft; pilot, mechanic, and crew training; engineering services; retail trade, maintenance, and repair of computer products; information technology consulting, data processing, application service providers, and internet hosting; and fabrication of aircraft interiors. The company was formerly known as Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. and changed its name to Embraer S.A. in November 2010. Embraer S.A. was incorporated in 1969 and is headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Embraer, based on its industry sub-industry Aerospace & Defense. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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