Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH)

Overall impact
C (47)


Booz Allen Hamilton is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 47.1 for overall impact (35th percentile compared to all companies), Booz Allen Hamilton ranks 36th out of 45 industry peers, behind ICF International, Wilhelmina International, RMR and 32 others, and ahead of Hackett, Yaran Business Services, KPMG and 6 others. On top material causes for Booz Allen Hamilton's industry (Business Services), Booz Allen Hamilton performs well in Equal Pay and Opportunity (95.7 score) and Quality Lifelong Education (95.8) and performs poorly in Safety From Violent Conflict (0.0 score), Racial Justice and Civil Rights (17.4), Free, Secure Flow of Information (7.9) and 3 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause BAH
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Professional Services
Research & Consulting Services
SASB industry
Professional & Commercial Services
Va, United States
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Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation provides management and technology consulting, analytics, engineering, digital solutions, mission operations, and cyber services to governments, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations in the United States and internationally. It focuses on artificial intelligence services comprising of machine learning, predictive modeling, automation and decision analytics, and quantum computing. The company offers artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer network related operations. In addition, it provides data science, engineering, visualization, and analysis related capabilities. Further, the company engages in user experience, user interface, graphic and web design, design thinking, sketching, and digital product design capabilities. Additionally, it architects and engineers help accelerate, scale, secure, and transform mission and business outcomes using the technologies and partner offering; offers software engineering in agile practices, DevSecOps, automation and Cloud, and Low/No Code Platform engineering; systems and digital engineering; and tech strategy and product management. Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation was founded in 1914 and is headquartered in McLean, Virginia.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Booz Allen Hamilton, based on its industry sub-industry Research & Consulting Services. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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