Overall impact
A (87)


RELX is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 86.7 for overall impact (98th percentile compared to all companies), RELX ranks 10th out of 88 industry peers, behind Cambium Learning, DeVry Education, idp Education and 6 others, and ahead of Aspen, Biohitech Global, Arco Platform and 75 others. On top material causes for RELX's industry (Business Services), RELX performs well in Equal Pay and Opportunity (92.1 score), No Poverty (95.6), Quality Primary Education (95.9) and 4 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Racial Justice and Civil Rights (25.9 score) and Accountable Institutions (35.9).
Cause RELX
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Overall impact

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Professional Services
Research & Consulting Services
SASB industry
Professional & Commercial Services
United Kingdom
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RELX PLC, together with its subsidiaries, provides information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers in North America, Europe, and internationally. It operates through four segments: Risk; Scientific, Technical & Medical; Legal; and Exhibitions. The Risk segment offers information-based analytics and decision tools that combine public and industry specific content with technology and algorithms to assist clients in evaluating and predicting risk. The Scientific, Technical & Medical segment provides scientific and medical information and data sets that help researchers and healthcare professionals to advance science and health outcomes. The Legal segment provides legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics that help customers in decision-making, as well as increases the productivity. The Exhibitions segment is involved in the business that combines face-to-face with data and digital tools to help customers learn about markets, source products, and transactions. The company was formerly known as Reed Elsevier PLC and changed its name to RELX PLC in July 2015. RELX PLC was incorporated in 1903 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for RELX, based on its industry sub-industry Research & Consulting Services. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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