Overall impact
C (46)


Teva is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 46.0 for overall impact (33rd percentile compared to all companies), Teva ranks 138th out of 154 industry peers, behind Adamis Pharmaceuticals, Benitec Biopharma, Aquinox Pharmaceuticals and 134 others, and ahead of Tilray, Organon, OSR Biosciences and 13 others. On top material causes for Teva's industry (Pharmaceuticals & Biotech), Teva performs well in Technology Innovation (95.2 score), Disease Eradication (87.1), Sustainable Use of Water (95.6) and 1 other cause where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Humane Treatment of Animals (7.8 score), Child and Maternal Health (0.0), Accountable Institutions (0.0) and 7 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause TEVA
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Overall impact

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Health Care
SASB industry
Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals
Share classes
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes generic and other medicines, and biopharmaceutical products in the United States, Europe, Israel, and internationally. It offers generic medicines in various dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, injectables, inhalants, liquids, transdermal patches, ointments, and creams; sterile products, hormones, high-potency drugs, and cytotoxic substances in parenteral and solid dosage forms; and generic products with medical devices and combination products. The company also focuses on the central nervous system (CNS), respiratory, and oncology areas. It provides active pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as contract manufacturing services; and operates an out-licensing platform that offers a portfolio of products to other pharmaceutical companies. The company also offers BENDEKA and TREANDA injections for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and indolent b-cell non-hodgkin's lymphoma; COPAXONE to treat patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis; AJOVY for the preventive treatment of migraine in adults; AUSTEDO to treat neurodegenerative and movement disorders " chorea associated with Huntington's disease and tardive dyskinesia; UZEDY for the treatment of schizophrenia; ProAir RespiClick inhalation powder; QVAR RediHaler to treat asthma; BRALTUS, a long-acting muscarinic antagonist; CINQAIR/CINQAERO injection; DuoResp Spiromax budesonide and formoterol powder inhaler; and AirDuo RespiClick fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder. The company offers its OTC products under the SUDOCREM, NasenDuo, DICLOX FORTE, OLFEN Max, and FLEGAMINA brand names. It has collaboration agreements with MedinCell S.A.; Sanofi; Alvotech; and Biolojic Design Ltd., as well as license agreement with MODAG GmbH. The company was founded in 1901 and is based in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Teva, based on its industry sub-industry Pharmaceuticals. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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