Overall impact
A (95)


SAP is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 95.5 for overall impact (99th percentile compared to all companies), SAP ranks 1st out of 75 industry peers, ahead of Arista Networks, Coinstar, Super Micro Computer and 71 others. On top material causes for SAP's industry (Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals), SAP performs well in Reduced Inequality (85.4 score), Free, Secure Flow of Information (95.2), Improved Mental Health (94.9) and 76 other causes where it received an 'A' score. SAP did not receive a 'D' or 'F' rating on any cause.
Cause SAP
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Information Technology
Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals
Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals
SASB industry
Software & IT Services
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To help the world run better and improve people's lives. Our promise is to innovate to help our customers run at their best.
SAP SE, together with its subsidiaries, provides applications, technology, and services worldwide. It offers SAP S/4HANA that provides software capabilities for finance, risk and project management, procurement, manufacturing, supply chain and asset management, and research and development; SAP SuccessFactors solutions for human resources, including HR and payroll, talent and employee experience management, and people and workforce analytics; and spend management solutions that covers direct and indirect spend, travel and expense, and external workforce management. The company also provides SAP customer experience solutions; SAP Business Technology platform that enables customers and partners to build, integrate, and automate applications; and SAP Business Network, a business-to-business collaboration platform that helps digitalize key business processes across the supply chain and enables communication between trading partners. In addition, it offers SAP Signavio to help customers to discover, analyze, and understand their business process operations; SAP's industry cloud solutions that provides modular solutions addressing industry-specific functions; Taulia solutions for working capital management to help enable customers mitigate the effects of inflation by providing visibility into working capital and access to liquidity; and sustainability solutions and services. SAP SE was founded in 1972 and is headquartered in Walldorf, Germany.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for SAP, based on its industry sub-industry Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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