Citadel Securities (PRIVATE.CITADEL)

Overall impact
C (58)


Citadel Securities is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 57.6 for overall impact (57th percentile compared to all companies), Citadel Securities ranks 53rd out of 94 industry peers, behind 3Pea, Calvert, Eagleline Acquisition and 49 others, and ahead of Mogo Finance Technology, Huize Holding , New Providence Acquisition and 38 others. On top material causes for Citadel Securities's industry (Financial Services), Citadel Securities performs well in Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (92.2 score), Reduced Waste (89.6), Affordable, Safe Housing (91.5) and 2 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Equal Pay and Opportunity (20.6 score), Improved Mental Health (36.4), Lgbtq Equality (39.3) and 2 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Capital Markets
Financial Exchanges & Data
SASB industry
Investment Banking & Brokerage
Florida, United States
Share classes
Provider of financial services intended to build a bridge between the financial markets and the real economy. The company specializes in services related to fixed income investments and equity products. It deploys powerful predictive models and develops leading technology to execute trades at scale and solve market challenges. This enables asset managers, banks, broker-dealers, hedge funds, government agencies, and public pension programs to drive down the cost of transactions and assist in meeting their liquidity needs.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Citadel Securities, based on its industry sub-industry Financial Exchanges & Data. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.
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