Overall impact
C (53)


SCOR SE is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 53.4 for overall impact (48th percentile compared to all companies), SCOR SE ranks 27th out of 43 industry peers, behind Metlife, Primerica, Federal Life and 23 others, and ahead of FBL Financial, SBI Life Insurance Company, China Life Insurance and 13 others. On top material causes for SCOR SE's industry (Insurance), SCOR SE performs poorly in Affordable, Safe Housing (35.2 score), Reduced Waste (37.2) and Free, Secure Flow of Information (37.4). SCOR SE did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause SCR.PA
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SASB industry
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SCOR SE, together with its subsidiaries, provides life and non-life reinsurance products in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. It operates in two segments, SCOR P&C and SCOR L&H. The SCOR P&C segment offers reinsurance products in the areas of property, motors, casualty treaties, credit and surety, decennial insurance, aviation, marine and energy, engineering, agricultural risks, and property catastrophes; specialties insurance products, including business solutions, political and credit risks, cyber, and environmental liability; and business ventures and partnerships. The SCOR L&H segment provides life reinsurance products, such as protection for mortality, morbidity, behavioral risks, disability, long-term care, critical illness, medical, and personal accident. This segment also provides financial solutions that combine traditional life reinsurance with financial components and provide liquidity, balance sheet, solvency, and income improvements to clients; longevity solutions that include products covering the risk of negative deviation from expected results due to the insured or annuitant living longer than assumed in the pricing of insurance covers provided by insurers or pension funds; and distribution solutions. In addition, it is involved in the asset management business. SCOR SE was founded in 1970 and is headquartered in Paris, France.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for SCOR SE, based on its industry sub-industry Reinsurance. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.
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