Overall impact
C (52)


Bunzl is an average overall performer. With a 'C' rating of 51.6 for overall impact (44th percentile compared to all companies), Bunzl ranks 18th out of 35 industry peers, behind Delivery Hero, Charoen Pokphand Foods, Fonterra and 14 others, and ahead of Eurocash, Hellofresh, Hoffmaster and 14 others. On top material causes for Bunzl's industry (Food & Beverage Retail), Bunzl performs well in No Poverty (92.1 score) and Decent, Safe Work Opportunities (95.1) and performs poorly in Child and Maternal Health (38.7 score), Racial Justice and Civil Rights (39.2), Sustainable Use of Water (16.0) and 9 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause BNZL.L
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Trading Companies & Distributors
Trading Companies & Distributors
SASB industry
Multiline and Specialty Retailers & Distributors
United Kingdom
Share classes
Bunzl plc operates as a distribution and services company in the North America, Continental Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and internationally. The company offers food packaging, films, labels, cleaning and hygiene supplies, and personal protection equipment to grocery stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores. It also provides food packaging, disposable tableware, guest amenities, catering equipment, agricultural supplies, cleaning and hygiene products, and safety items to hotels, restaurants, contract caterers, food processors, commercial growers, and the leisure sector; and gloves, boots, hard hats, ear and eye protection, and other workwear, as well as cleaning and hygiene supplies, and asset protection products to industrial and construction, and ecommerce sectors. In addition, the company offers chemicals and hygiene paper to cleaning and facilities management companies, and industrial and public sector customers; gloves, masks, swabs, gowns, bandages, and other healthcare related equipment; and healthcare devices to hospitals, care homes, and other facilities serving the healthcare sector. Further, it provides packaging and other store supplies to retail chains, boutiques, department stores, home improvement chains, office supply companies, and related e-commerce sales channels. Bunzl plc was founded in 1854 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Bunzl, based on its industry sub-industry Trading Companies & Distributors. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.
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