Overall impact
B (61)


MSCI is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 60.5 for overall impact (64th percentile compared to all companies), MSCI ranks 40th out of 94 industry peers, behind 3Pea, Calvert, Eagleline Acquisition and 36 others, and ahead of MB Financial, McGraw Hill Financial , Mogo Finance Technology and 51 others. On top material causes for MSCI's industry (Financial Services), MSCI performs well in Accountable Institutions (81.5 score), Free, Secure Flow of Information (84.2), Reduced Green House Gas Emissions (86.3) and 1 other cause where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Affordable, Safe Housing (37.9 score), Reduced Availability of Weapons (38.6), Reduced Inequality (11.8) and 1 other cause where it received a 'D' or 'F' score.
Cause MSCI
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Capital Markets
Financial Exchanges & Data
SASB industry
Professional & Commercial Services
Ny, United States
Share classes
Bring greater transparency to financial markets, enabling the investment community to make better decisions for a better world.
MSCI Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides critical decision support tools and solutions for the investment community to manage investment processes worldwide. The Index segment provides indexes for use in various areas of the investment process, including indexed financial product, such as ETFs, mutual funds, annuities, futures, options, structured products, and over-the-counter derivatives; performance benchmarking; portfolio construction and rebalancing; and asset allocation, as well as licenses GICS and GICS Direct. The Analytics segment offers risk management, performance attribution and portfolio management content, application, an integrated view of risk and return service, and an analysis of market, credit, liquidity, counterparty, and climate risk across asset classes; managed services, including consolidation of client portfolio data, review and reconciliation of input data and results, and customized reporting; and HedgePlatform to measure, evaluate, and monitor the risk of hedge fund investments. The ESG and Climate segment provides products and services that help institutional investors understand how ESG impacts the long-term risk and return of their portfolio and individual security-level investments; and data, ratings, research, and tools to help investors navigate increasing regulation. The All Other " Private Assets segment comprising real estate and infrastructure data, benchmarks, return-analytics, climate assessments and market insights; business intelligence to real estate owners, managers, developers, and brokers; and offers investment decision support tools for private capital. The Private Capital Solutions segment offers tools to help private asset investors across mission-critical workflows, such as sourcing terms and conditions, evaluating operating performance, managing risk and other activities supporting private capital investing. MSCI Inc. was incorporated in 1998 and is headquartered in New York, New York.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for MSCI, based on its industry sub-industry Financial Exchanges & Data. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.
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