Overall impact
A (82)


Siemens is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 82.3 for overall impact (95th percentile compared to all companies), Siemens ranks 1st out of 24 industry peers, ahead of American Electric Technologies, Toppan, Xt Energy and 20 others. On top material causes for Siemens's industry (Industrial Goods), Siemens performs well in Clean Water Access (95.3 score), Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (95.4), Conflict Free Mineral Production (81.0) and 10 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Accountable Institutions (28.9 score).
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Impact trend

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Industrial Conglomerates
Industrial Conglomerates
SASB industry
Electrical & Electronic Equipment
Share classes
Responsible - Excellent - Innovative. Responsible means that we are committed to ethical and responsible actions. Our excellence is based on achieving high performance and excellent results. We choose for innovation to create sustainable value.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, a technology company, focuses in the areas of automation and digitalization in Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas, Asia, and Australia. It operates through Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Mobility, Siemens Healthineers, and Siemens Financial Services (SFS) segments. The Digital Industries segment provides automation systems and software for factories, numerical control systems, servo motors, drives and inverters, and integrated automation systems for machine tools and production machines; process control systems, machine-to-machine communication products, sensors and radio frequency identification systems; software for production and product lifecycle management, and simulation and testing of mechatronic systems; and the Mendix cloud-native low-code application development platform. The Smart Infrastructure segment offers products, systems, solutions, services, and software to support sustainable transition in energy generation from fossil and renewable sources; sustainable buildings and communities; and buildings, electrification, and electrical products. The Mobility segment provides rail passenger and freight transportation, such as metro systems, trams and light rail, and commuter trains, as well as trains and passenger coaches; locomotives and solutions for automated transportation and leasing; products and solutions for rail automation; maintenance and digital services; and digital and cloud-based solutions, and related services. The Siemens Healthineers segment develops, manufactures, and sells various diagnostic and therapeutic products and services; and provides clinical consulting and training services. The SFS segment offers debt and equity investments; leasing, lending, and working capital, structured, equipment, and project financing; and financial advisory services. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1847 and is headquartered in Munich, Germany.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Siemens, based on its industry sub-industry Industrial Conglomerates. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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