This information shows your potential impact in terms of "real-world" metrics, compared to a benchmark.
What is the benchmark used?
The benchmark fund used to compare your portfolio against is S&P ASX 200 Index.
How is the information calculated?
We collect data for holdings of the fund for metrics such as carbon intensity, environmental fines, investments in tobacco and weapons companies, and waste generated. We then calculate the weighted-average of this data for the fund, using the weights of holdings.
Next we compare the weighted-average data to the benchmark and calculate the percent that the fund is better or worse than the benchmark.
We then estimate the amount of wind turbines, cars on the road, full-time employees, or other "real-world" data the fund is equal to, using your hypothetical investment value. For example, if the average cost of a wind turbine is estimated at $350,000 and your hypothetical investment value is $700,000, your investment would be equal to approximately 2 wind turbines.
Using the percent that the fund is better or worse than the benchmark, we then calculate your potential impact. For example, if the fund holds 50% more renewable energy companies than the benchmark and your hypothetical investment value is $700,000, we would estimate your impact at 1 wind turbine built ($700K value / $350K per wind turbine * 50% better impact).