We currently cover ~8,500 companies on Ethos. You can see all rated companies on Ethos in your account under Research > Companies.
We only rate a company when we determine there is sufficient data available (usually when a company has data for at least 60% of metrics associated with a cause). Large, publicly traded companies tend to have more publicly available data, including on sustainability and impact.
You can search for a company from the Ethos home page. If you can't find a company you are looking for and think it should be included on Ethos, please submit a coverage request under the Get Help tab on the top of your home page. We are always working to add more companies to Ethos, both US-based and outside the US.
If you are a representative of a company on Ethos, or would like to add your company to Ethos, please contact
We currently have ~9,000 funds on Ethos. You can see all rated funds on Ethos in your account under Research > Funds.
We are always working to add more funds to Ethos, both US-based and outside of the US. Current inclusion on Ethos and availability of ratings is based primarily on availability of public data.
If you are a representative of a fund, or would like to add your fund to Ethos, please contact