How do I navigate around my account on Ethos?

When you log-in to your account on Ethos, you'll be on your account home screen. The left-hand side of the page includes the following sections:


All client-facing reports you've created. The navigation options include:

  • Reports: list of reports you've created. Click on a report to view it, or click "+ Report" to create a new report.
  • Templates: list of report templates you've created. Templates are sets of report options that can be re-used across reports, so you don't have to select the same set of options whenever you want to create a report.
  • Schedule: We will send an email to your selected recipients with links to all of your selected reports, following the schedule you set using the + create schedule icon.


All data and ratings of stocks and funds as well as information about the causes that Ethos covers. The navigation options include:

  • Companies: sortable, filterable list of companies (stocks) rated by Ethos. Click on a company to see its detailed profile and data.
  • Funds: sortable, filterable list of funds rated by Ethos. Click on a fund to see its detailed profile and data.
  • Causes: information about the causes that Ethos covers.
  • Favorites: when researching companies or funds, when you click on "view" a window will pop up. In the top right-hand corner of that pop-up window, you will see a heart icon. If you click on that, it will save any company or fund to your favorites.

Clients and leads in your account on Ethos. The navigation options include:

  • Clients and leads: list of the clients and leads in your account. Click on a client or lead here to see their profile on Ethos, including any portfolios and reports you've added for them.
  • Portfolio models: list of any portfolio models you've added to your account on Ethos. Add your models here.

This is your firm-branded Impact Assessment that you can share with leads and clients. The navigation options include:

  • Share: options for sharing your assessment with leads and clients, including the unique link to your assessment.
  • Widget: customizable widget that you can embed on your website, or anywhere else you'd like leads to take your assessment.
  • Analytics: basic analytics covering who has completed your assessment.
  • Preferences: options for customizing your assessment.

Direct Indexing (only enabled on some accounts)

Ethos' Direct Index Optimizer helps you match the financial performance of a selected index while maximizing impact on a cause or set of causes that you or your clients care about. Navigation options include:

  • Overview of DIO, how it works, and how Ethos calculates the tracking error.
  • New optimizer model: create a new model using Ethos direct index optimizer
  • Edit existing models: view and edit existing models created using the optimizer

On the landing page, the top right portion of the contains four sections:

Get Help: In this dropdown section, the following options are available:

  • Help center: this navigates you directly to our help center.
  • Coverage request: if a company or fund is not currently covered on Ethos ESG, adding the symbol/ticker, name (optional), or cusip (optional) will prompt Ethos to add it to our system within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Resources: this section brings up resources for our customers to use: marketing and engagement documents, information about Ethos ESG and our products, and images you may want to use for your marketing materials.
  • Onboarding: everything you will need to get your account set up on Ethos. You can complete onboarding at anytime 
  • Contact Us: if you cannot find something you need, contact us here and we will reply to you within 1-2 business days

Notifications (bell icon)

All notifications, such as when a client takes the Impact Assessment, will appear here.

Switch Accounts (user icon)

Switch between multiple accounts on Ethos here, including switching to your personal account. Everyone on Ethos has a personal account, where you can save any companies or funds you'd like. It's completely optional to use.

Settings (gear icon)

Change your firm and personal settings here, as well as log out of your account

Please contact us if you would like a more detailed orientation and help with getting started on Ethos.

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