Advisor customers on Ethos can create a Portfolio Comparison Report to compare two portfolios (or to compare a portfolio with a benchmark fund).
Here's how to create a comparison report:
1. Navigate to reports
Navigate to Reports > Reports and select the "+ Report" button.
2. Select Portfolio Comparison
Select Portfolio Comparison from the list of report types.
3. Set report options
Decide whether you are comparing a portfolio or a fund
Set the report title and (optionally) the subtitle.
Select a client to create the report for. Ethos will load a list of the client's portfolios.
Under Portfolio, select the first portfolio to assess.
Under Bench, select either another portfolio OR a benchmark fund to compare to the first portfolio.
Optionally update the report Introduction.
Under Sections, select the sections you'd like to include in your report. Drag-and-drop to rearrange and click Choose to see additional options.
4. Use your report
Your report is ready to use. You can share it with clients or leads using the Report link at bottom, by creating a PDF with the PDF button at bottom, or by discussing with them live. Reach out to us at if you would like any further help customizing or using impact reports.